Meet The Artist: Interview with Jordeaux


Photography by @harveyryan.jpg

Born and raised in Burton-upon-Trent (East Midlands), North West London-based newcomer Jordeaux is an emerging artist with a distinctive sound who is gearing up to make a name for himself in the UK hip-hop/rap scene. With rhyme schemes and flows well beyond his years, Jordeaux is a man on a mission, and his latest releases “OK THEN” and “Trippy” are proof of this! Straying away from stereotypes, Jordeaux has all the flare and attitude of a future top-tier artist and his melodic capacity and creative vision is unlike anyone else currently doing it in the underground. His discography is truly impressive for those that don’t know, particularly his 2 latest releases “OK Then” & “Trippy”, which demonstrate a deep understanding of musicality and emotional maturity.

Jordeaux's music-making process is constantly evolving, allowing him to maximize his creativity, and perfect every element of his work; from his ability to collaborate effectively, all the way to his on-point flow and delivery, and his accompanying visuals. We had the amazing opportunity to catch up with Jordeaux to discuss his musical roots, recent releases and creative process…

Introduce yourself?

Jordeaux: Yo Im Jordeaux, I’m an Artist, Rapper and creative coming out of a small town called Burton On Trent. Thank you for having me on. 

How and why did you start rapping?

Jordeaux: So originally my plan growing up was to be a professional athlete. Fortunately, that didn’t work out for me and that left me feeling lost. So I started to take some weird turns in life and really started to get myself into some trouble. A lot happened in those years as well that knocked me mentally so I was almost searching for a way to just channel my feelings and thoughts. From there I remember one random day I saw a youtube beat in my recommended and just started to try rapping and ever since I’ve been devoted to the art. It was my saviour essentially.

What are the inspirations behind your recent single “Trippy” and your new release “OK Then”?

Jordeaux: The inspirations are never really clear because I’m influenced so much by music in general. But a lot of people tell me they can hear hints of JID and Smino in Trippy. Which is a comparison I could never complain about. It makes sense as well because I love how those guys deliver on their tracks. But for “OK THEN” I just wanted to get super lyrical on it and have fun with my flow and it turned out just how I wanted it to!

What’s the concept behind the music video for “OK Then”?

Jordeaux: “Truthfully, I never know how to answer these type of questions becuase I feel like thats the beautiful thing about music, everyone gets to attach their own perspective to it. And for this song I want to let everyone think what they want to think about the song, and percieve it in their own way”.

Do you have a project on the way? If so, what can people expect?

Jordeaux: We have so much music in the vault at the minute that we are so excited to share. Mostly singles for the time being before we start to look at bigger projects like albums and EPs. But I would just say expect the unexpected.

If you could collaborate with any artist, dead or alive, who would it be?

Jordeaux: That’s a tough one, but it's between Kendrick Lamar and Frank Ocean.

Can you talk us through your writing process?

Jordeaux: I’d say my writing process adapts to the overall goal or aim of the project. So normally people could send me beats or I could find beats and I'll be inspired instantly and freestyle ideas. Sometimes I write without a beat and then try and find a drum loop to fit the piece. If I’m writing for other people id really study the language they use in their music and approach it from their perspective. Sometimes I spend a month just figuring out how to conceptually execute a song and ill be coming up with phrases or just overall ideas that I want to include and then scheme how Im going to say that as effectively as I can. I find myself just freestyling my first ideas as quickly as possible though, that’s kind of where the magic happens for me. Like the first 10 seconds of the beat, playing is something you’ll never feel again so I try and really capture something then.

How do you push through periods of creative block?

Jordeaux: It’s been a while since I’ve had a creative block, to be honest. I would say I really just try and stay writing. But one thing that’s never failed me is to listen to new things and study them on a deeper level. I’m a really obsessive person when it comes to that side of it. Also just trying to not be so harsh on myself. If nothing is coming then the time isn’t right now.

Photography by @harveyryan.jpg

We met on a shoot at uni halls, so we’ll do one related to this, what do you study and why?

Jordeaux: So right now I’m studying a course called “Songwriting”. It speaks for itself really. I can’t lie though uni was never really the plan for me. I really just wanted to finesse the uni system with funding and get help with staying in London. The course was just a means to an end. But the course has helped me meet some crazy talented artists like myself and producers so It was really just a win-win.

Where do you see yourself in 5 years’ time?

Jordeaux: I see myself being mentioned amongst some of the best artists we have. Big collaborations. Classic bodies of work. World tours. Life is going to be very different in the next five for me. Beyond music though I see myself just trying to give back to people. Who knows how I do that just yet, but that’s a bridge I’ll walk when I get to it.

If you were stranded on a desert island for a week, what would be your first meal after the rescue?

Jordeaux: Jamaican Sunday dinner. That’s easy.

Give 3 quick tips for a rapper looking to start out?

Jordeaux: Okay, so number 1 I would identify what you are looking to achieve with music. Why do you do it? Is it something you want money from? How long could you do this without getting paid at all? Do you want fame? Knowing what kind of artist you are going to be is going to help you make decisions for your career in my opinion. Number two I would say study the skills you need in order to be a good rapper. I feel like when you understand a certain level of music language and theory and how to enhance your current skillset you hold more value as a writer. Number three I would say don’t be afraid of not sounding amazing when you’re first getting started. There’s no rush. Don’t get disheartened by any bad songs or verses. Just figure out why It doesn’t sound good and learn from it. Basically, just keep writing. Never stop.

What’s your most proud moment up until now?

Jordeaux: I wouldn’t say it’s a proudest moment but I’m just generally proud of how far I’ve come as a person these last few years. My life essentially did a complete 180. I’m just proud that I got myself out of a situation that was destined for a bad ending really.

Top 5 rappers of all time?

Jordeaux: Okay, this is in no order. Kendrick Lamar, Jay-Z, J Cole, Andre 3K and Kanye west

What’s next for you as an artist?

Jordeaux: I guess you never really know. I just know I’m gonna share my best music with my fans and from there we will see what happens. As artists, I feel like that’s all we can do. The fans really decide if it's gonna be popping or not. I wanna collaborate with some of the best though, so believe I'll be pushing for that. Can’t forget live shows as well I’ll definitely perform before the year ends.

Where can people find you (socials etc…)

Jordeaux: If you type in “Jordeaux._” you’ll see me on insta. From there all of my social medias are connected so you can find it all on there.

Be sure to follow Jordeaux on his social pages:

Instagram | Spotify | Twitter | Apple Music

Photography by @harveyryan.jpg

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Meet The Artist: Interview with Fliptrix